Nearly a month after no show on the sets, Pawan Kalyan is set to join the shooting of his current film, Sardaar Gabbarsingh from wednesday, september 30. A new cameraman has been finalized, so the shooting is going to take place.
Arthur Wilson who helmed the camera for big hits such as Balakrishna's Simha and Ram's Pandaga Chesko is replacing Jayanan Vincent who is stopped working for the movie after hits tiff with director bobby.
Arthur Wilson has given his dates and everything is set for new schedule.
At on time, Pawan Kalyan vexed with the issues plaguing with the movie wanted to drop it off and go ahed waith another film but the producer Sarath Marar changed his mind
Pawan will now be working without any break for this movie to ready it for the summer 2016 release.
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